Introduction to the War Story of Samo

December 24, 2008 at 12:40 am (Uncategorized)

This is the first post that I am making in the story of the Inventor’s War. The year does not really matter, but the world is one in which we would recognize some of the fashions as being outdated, or older. The technology is one that we would not be used to, and the miraculous would be something we had not seen in our lives. The world is Ima, a world that is similar to our own in that the people are like us, but different because they have problems we do not necessarily have, at least in the same forms.

They deal with the order calling itself the Inventors, a nigh-religious order that has taken it upon itself to “modernize” the world, and make it more powerful. They also deal with the foresters, almost human sylvans that are able to blend in with the trees, as well as kobeks, goblins whose loyalties are always in question. Then, there are the mysterious tech mages and the sinister Fallen sorcerers.

“The Inventor’s War” is a techno-fantasy (read: steampunk) webnovel that takes place in the world of Ima, a world where my epic novel series takes place. That is going to be some time until it is ready for publication, so until then, here is “The Inventor’s War” for you to enjoy.

For now, it’s going to be updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday as much as I’m able to. I am a full time college student studying graphic design while I try to get some sort of income and write my stories at the same time, so I’ll try to update on time as much as I can, but considering that I don’t like to promise anything anyway, I can’t promise anything. That was a pretty long sentance.

For now, expect the story to start next Monday, the week after Christmas. Yes, I’ll be working on this over Christmas. That’s how much I care.

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